I have been faced with the death of many loved ones in the past few weeks and it has brought about such an eye-opening experience. I have realized that life is uncertain. I have heard this phrase several times during my life, but it has never just slapped me in the face as it has over the last few weeks. I have realized that the death of a Christian can be bitter-sweet, because we know that they are dwelling in the bosom of Abraham, but oh, how we miss their physical presence.
Death may be unexpected for two reasons: the person was not sick or person was expected to pull through an illness.It could have even been expected for months, but no matter the situation, death brings a feeling of emptiness within the family and friends who surround the person.
As I stood and looked at the body of my god-mother, I realized that she was no longer there. I understood that I was only looking at her shell or her body, which she used to live in. I grasped the concept that she is somewhere awaiting to receive her new body. As I looked at her lying there, it hurt profoundly, but I knew that she was in a place that I longed to be one day awaiting the return of the Heavenly Father.
As I understood these truths, I was faced with the fact that life is definitely too short not to simply be about the business of our Lord and not to love long and hard. Every second of this old life counts. We must make it our business to let everyone know how you feel about them and this is especially true of the ones who have impacted your life in a profound way.
Love your kids and let them know how much they mean to you! Give them an extra hug and kiss today! Spend an extra ten minutes just talking and laughing or watching their favorite show. Let your spouse know how important they are to you! We carry too many grudges against our spouses; these things really don’t matter! If they were to leave this earth at this very moment, how much would you give just to see or hear the things that annoy you so much! Life is too short to sit around feeling hurt or to be angry over petty particulars.
I am resolved to love those around me more and to call my family and friends every time I get the chance just to let them know that I am thinking about them! It’s worth it! They are worth it! Life is worth it! Knowing that life is but a vapor, it appears for a little while and then vanishes away has made me amp up my love for others. What does knowing this truth make you want to do?