thinking about those who are your sisters by blood, we have fond memories of
growing up, getting into trouble together, sharing special times of happiness
and sadness, and just being there for each other. This relationship is no doubt
special, but this relationship can take you no further than the grave. But a
relationship with a sister in Christ can mean that and so much more. A sister
in Christ is someone with whom you can share your deepest hurts, your greatest
joys, and even the sinful nature of your old self and you can expect her to
have your back and help you to make that change in your life through prayer and
supplication and heart to heart talks! This sister will meet you in Heaven
I know that
I am so happy to have my sisters there for me when I just need a good laugh or
when I need to cry! There is no one in the world like a sister. I praise God
that I can share this same relationship with my blood sisters and my daughters.
It is so beautiful to be able to share in Jesus with people who I have shared
my life with and people whom I have given life to. God has provided us with a
special bond that no one, not even the grave can take away. Isn’t it wonderful
to have women of God, who are also blood relatives, in our lives?
It is so
important to keep the doors of communication open with your sister and it is
equally important to make sure that when a sister does come to you and share something, that you are not so judgmental that you forget, “11 And such
were some of you. But you were
washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:11) It is
important to let her know that you understand and you want to help her.
Praise God for my sisters who continued to help me to make
right decisions and those who knew I was in sin, yet never looked down on me, but
encouraged me to good works by inviting me to feed the hungry, help with the
children’s Bible class, or inviting me over for the evening to keep me out of
trouble. Have you invited a young sister over to your home lately? She just
might need that intimate time with you, her sister, to help to stir her to good

Add the name
of special sisters in your life below and pray for her. Each time a new name is
added, please pray for all the sisters mentioned above by calling them by name.
We want to pile on a portion of spiritual blessings on these sisters that they
can’t even explain!
Love you
Working in the Kingdom!