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Welcome to my blog! You have reached a destination where testimonies are welcome and God reigns supreme! Come on in and stay a while! You are welcome to share your thoughts and feelings here! No need to feel rushed! Take all the time you need!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why Did I Have to Suffer?

     Suffering is something that we all must face at one time or another. You cannot go through life without any kind of heartaches or difficulties. Satan and his craftiness has brought upon this world all kinds of difficulties that continue to plague our lives to this day. We must be watchful for his tactics that we might be able to stand against them when they come.
     I have heard people say, "If God was real, He would not allow certain things to happen in my life!" I say, "You can not discredit God because of what satan does." It's like saying, "Well, I can't believe in teachers because there are so many  people in the world without an education." Sin is the culprit, not God. God is real and He stands in our pain with us. God sent His son to die for us that we might have eternal life. Through the existence of Christ and the Holy Spirit, we have a power that can help us to endure the pains in life. Christ came down and was tempted, even as we are tempted (Heb. 4:14-16). He wants us to come to Him for help and enjoy the presence of His peace.
     God can work for good in any situation. Try looking for positive within the negative. Use what you have been dealt to glorify God to the fullest. He is waiting with open arms for you to accept His peace that transcends all understanding (Phil. 4:7). Give it to Him and then glorify Him!
     Give thanks to Him. No matter what is going on in your life, thanksgiving can still be found “Give thanks in every situation" (1Thess. 5:18). I remember when I lost my job. Those were some of the toughest days that I had ever encountered. I cried and I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, but I found a way to find some thanksgiving. I thanked Him for providing me with the job for as long as I had it and obvously, since I lost it, it wasn't mine anymore. I thanked Him for whatever He had on my agenda next. Guess what I eneded up doing? I ended up going back to school to receive my Master's degree. That was something that I never thought that I would be able to do. Losing my job freed my time to be able to do this. This was a milestone in my life. I thank God for that season in my life. It changed my life. It also allowed me to focus my attention on those, in the faith, who needed someone to talk to or someone to lean on. I called and sent cards, because I did not have a car to go and visit those who were sick, at that time. God can use those seasons in your life as a blessing for you and for you to bless others and glorify His name. Tell God all about  your troubles and relax in His wonderful peace. You now have a testimony!!!

Why did you have to suffer? You suffer to bring Him glory!
1. God is not the problem, satan is.
2. He shares in your disappointments and wants to help you through them, but you must seek Him.
3. He can work for good in any situation.
4. Look for the positive in all situations.
5. Give thanks!!!
6. Tell someone about God's goodness in your situation. It's testimony time!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Safety: A state of being secure from danger

When thinking about safety, I think about being free of worry of the harm that may be surrounding me. When God has you in His safety, you are truly safe. There is no need to worry about the danger that plagues you or the hurt that may get to you, because God's hands surround you with His everlasting love and danger in that aspect is only a thin, shabby blanket of smoke.
The Bible says in Isaiah 40:1 “Comfort, yes, comfort My people! says your God." He is there to bring you comfort in your time of danger or distress! He will never leave you! He wants to stand in your trial with you, if only you will let Him! He wants to keep you safe through the storms of life, but you have to allow Him to do so. He will not force it upon you! he wants you to willingly give it over to Him! No turning back to snatch it, because He has not handled it in your time or in your way.

Isaiah 55:8

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

Trust him to keep you safe! You will be glad that you did!