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Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Lord's Answer (cont.)

Yes, was my answer! I definitely wanted the position. I had about three weeks to find a place and move to Maryland. Once I was here, I had new teacher training and all kinds of things to do. I was stressed and frustrated with some of the things going on in my world. I missed my family and I just wanted us all back together again!

The first Sunday that I was here, I visited the Capital Church of Christ in Annapolis, MD. I had a wonderful time! I met the minister's wife  and she and other sisters at the congregation welcomed me and they asked why I had moved to the area and I told them because of a job opportunity. They asked which school I would be teaching at and I told them. They asked me why I had chosen Annapolis. I told them that I actually did not remember applying here. Well, at that time the minister's wife told me to hold my thought. I wondered what she was doing. She walked across to the other side of the building and came back hand in hand with another sister. She introduced us. Let's call her Mrs. L. She asked me to tell the sister what I had just told them about not knowing when I had applied. I told her that I did not remember when I had applied here. Mrs. L. said "I remember exactly when you applied! It was three years ago!" So, now, I was perplexed, because I did not know who she was. She said, "Yes, I know you don't know who I am, but I am the principal's secretary and I held on to your application for three years. I don't know why I held on to your application, but something would not let me throw it away. She said, "Usually, I throw away all resumes once hiring is over for the year, but I could not throw yours away. We even moved from our old building and I took your resume and put it in a file and brought it over with me. When the position became available, I immediately slid your resume to the principal and he called you!"

I was floored! I could do nothing but cry! All I could think of was all of the days I cried and prayed for a position that would pay me what I am worth! I thought of all of the hard work and all of the things I went through with Georgia and my certification. I said, "You mean all of this time He has been working it out!?" You know I knew that he had been working it out the entire time, but just to see and hear the way He had worked it out is sometimes unheard of! God had my back then and still has my back now! He knows what I need and He is still working things for my good! On Thursday, December 13, 2012, I was finally certified as an administrator. It has been a long road! I completed my Ed. Specialist and I took the GACE, Georgia teacher's assessment, and passed and was still denied my administrator certification, because my degree was gained from a school outside of the state of Georgia.

I am just thrilled and praising God! I know that He has something for me and I just am so excited to see what's next on this life's journey! I KNOW that He has already worked that out, as well. I feel like I am opening up a present layer by layer! I just have to wait until I get to a certain point to get my blessing!

I love you Lord! You have my heart! You alone are my heart's desire!!!


  1. God is so awesome. This would be one of those times where a patriarch would set a stone as a memorial where God revealed Himself. WOW!

    1. Oh, Genary, wow, your words are powerful! God is so faithful! It just seems that sometimes we forget how awesome He is and we think that somehow He has forgotten about our plea, but He is always working it for our good! Praise His holy name!

  2. Isn't He amazing. Even when we don't see or feel it He is working it out.

    1. Yes, Gloria, He is definitely AMAZING! His perfection is profound! That is why He says to trust Him!!!

  3. Awesome God!

    Your faith, belief & your obedience has prepared you for such a time as this.... i love you Girly.


  4. Oh, Selena, thank you so much! You don't know what you and your words mean to me! You are right, God is truly awesome! His love NEVER fails!
